My name is Patrick Ryan Robinson and I’m a New York based actor, dreamer and aspiring filmmaker.

I’m a member of Actors Equity Association and a NY, ATL, MA, CHI, TN local hire.

I am originally from a small town called Mashpee in Cape Cod, MA. Growing up I was active in athletics such as Judo, football, and track and field. I graduated from Sacred Heart University with a degree in acting, appearing in over 50 productions of new works, classics, and contemporary plays, including the title roles in Hamlet and Macbeth. After graduation I decided to hone my craft. I have spent over three years studying with some of the most brilliant teachers in this country.

I live for the theatre, my home away from home. Being on stage is the only time when I feel like things actually make sense. I love the moment when you’re in a theatre and there is one minute until the curtain: there is a buzz, a life-force, an energy awaiting to be unleashed and then utter silence; peace. I’d like to exist in that space.